Sentencing Worksheets and Interactive File Transfer (SWIFT)
In 2012, the Commission launched a project to automate the sentencing guidelines completion and submission process. The Sentencing Worksheets and Interactive File Transfer (SWIFT!) project is a collaborative effort between the Sentencing Commission, the Supreme Court’s Department of Judicial Information Technology (DJIT) and the Department of Judicial Services. SWIFT! is a web-based application designed for automating the sentencing guidelines. The application will allow users to complete guidelines forms online, give users the ability to save guidelines information and recall it later, provide a way for users to submit the guidelines to the court electronically, and permit Clerk’s Offices to send the guidelines forms to the Commission in electronic (data) format.
Click here to use SWIFT!
Video on Completing Sentencing Guidelines in SWIFT utilizing current court data that is available to the public to populate the offender and charge information on the sentencing guidelines forms.
SWIFT Introduction with Court Data (mp4 file)
SWIFT Introduction with Court Data(youtube)
Video on Completing Sentencing Guidelines in SWIFT Using Blank Worksheets (Without the use of existing court data)
SWIFT Introduction without Court Data (mp4 file)
SWIFT Introduction without Court Data (youtube)
SWIFT Training Manual (pdf)
The Commission is committed to partnering with all sentencing guidelines users to make SWIFT! work in a way that benefits judges, clerks, attorneys, probation officers and the Commission. Any suggestions that will increase accuracy in the preparation of sentencing guidelines or efficiency in the distribution or review of worksheets will be thoroughly reviewed and, if possible, implemented. The Commission is just beginning the automation process and hopes to expand the functions of SWIFT! as users become more comfortable using existing court data and more proficient at explaining how guidelines are calculated using an automated system.
Contact the SWIFT by phone at 804.225.4398 or by e-mail: swift@vacourts.gov