2021-2022 Virginia Pretrial Data Project
For the 2024 study, individuals with pretrial contact events during Calendar Year (CY) 2021 and CY2022. A contact event is the point at which an individual comes into contact with the criminal justice system and he or she is charged with a criminal offense, thus beginning the pretrial process. As in previous years, for individuals with more than one contact event during the calendar year, only the first event was selected; however, the defendant’s first contact event in a calendar year was excluded if it was identified as a pretrial outcome for an event that occurred during the previous calendar year. Individuals were tracked for a minimum of 15 months, until the disposition of the case or the end of the follow-up period, whichever occurred first. The Sentencing Commission adhered to the previously-established data collection methods. Data for the Project was obtained from eight different data systems. Compiling the data into a unified dataset requires numerous iterations of matching, merging and data cleaning to ensure accuracy when linking information from the respective data systems to each defendant in the cohort. More than 500 data elements were captured for each defendant, including demographics, charging details, criminal history records, pretrial release status, bond type and amount, court appearance by the defendant, new criminal arrest during the pretrial period, and final dispositions.
2021-2022 Virginia's Pretrial Data Project Report
- 2021-2022 Virginia Pretrial Data Project: Final Report
- Appendix A: Statewide Descriptive Tables for CY2021
- Appendix B: Statewide Descriptive Tables for CY2022
- Appendix C: Locality Descriptive Findings for CY2021
- Appendix D: Locality Descriptive Findings for CY2022
- Appendix E: Virginia Pretrial Data Project Data Codebook
Click below to download the publicly available datasets (154MB).
If you are having trouble downloading a dataset, please email meredith.farrar-owens@vcsc.virginia.gov or call Sentencing Commission staff at 804.225.4398.